All indications point to the fact that the government is planning an assault on the citizens of this country to bring them into line with their political agenda. Since they cannot seem to get co-operation from the Congress and public to suspend our civil rights they are planning to take them by force if necessary. Various covert activities are being conducted to set the stage for a complete government take over of our country. These activities are so closely in line with the communist manifesto, that it only concludes that we have been taken control of by a Socialist, totalitarian President and elite group of Congresspersons with the same agenda. These are dangerous times and American citizens are in worse danger than we were during the two world wars. This is even a more dangerous time than the cold war with the U.S.S.R.
One of the first attacks on the American public was the financial collapse of our economy. This was not accidental. This was not just the doings of a few greedy bankers. This was a deliberate act by our Federal Reserve, certain Senators and multi-national bankers to bring our economy down in order to bring about the election of these corrupt liberal Socialist elitists and plunge our country into chaos. By placing millions of citizens dependent on social services, they virtually enslaved them to have to continue to vote for them in order to keep their services and feed their families.
Next, was to take away our freedom to choose by forcing us into a healthcare system that will be government controlled and penalize anyone for not being enrolled in it. The Senate passed the bill without reading it because certain factions already knew what it was about and rammed it through legislation by intimidation, fraud and extortion. This was only the beginning of the plot.
The next attack was against our First Amendment rights. First they took control of the mainstream media. How they convinced the company heads and journalists to fall in line has yet to be discovered. They did a good job though because nothing is on the news that speaks ill of the present administration, regardless of how blatantly horrendous things are. In fact, various news Anchors trip over themselves idolizing the President and his administration. To further stifle opposition, the government sent the IRS to put a stop to any opposition groups' tax status'. Then, using the "Patriot Act" they enlisted the NSA to begin listening to all conversations of citizens via all sources of media. Mostly concentrating on opposition group members and associates, investigative reporters and conservative politicians in the guise of listening for terrorist activity.
The next attack came against our "Second Amendment" right to bear arms. First they try to distort it's meaning saying that "they are not trying to take away our right to hunt". This has absolutely nothing to do with the Second Amendment. (The Second Amendment was created by our forefathers to insure that no government would ever be able to take our freedom away like this present administration is trying to do.) But many misinformed citizens don't know any better and follow them. Then they create outrage by exploiting every violent crime committed with a gun throughout the country by making it national news thereby pressuring states to toughen up gun control laws fully knowing that they will make no difference. Their agenda is to remove as many guns from private possession as possible by making it so difficult to own one that no one will want a firearm.
To shore up their own security, they have placed the Homeland Security department in a position of supreme power not unlike the Gestapo of Nazi Germany. This organization has gone from an organization for civilian security and assistance to a paramilitary organization equal to our U.S. Military. They have been placed in charge of all intelligence services foreign and domestic. They have been stockpiling huge quantities of arms and ammunition. There are even reports that they have purchased over 250 thousand coffins. (Why would they possibly have need of these?) And last but by no means least are building huge concentration camps lined with razor wire in the mid-west.
To further insure their success they have been tearing down the U.S. military establishment. Many military commanders loyal to the Constitution are being replaced by those many of us have no knowledge of who they are. It is further reported that various commanders have been asked if they would be willing to disarm American citizens if their Commander-in-Chief asked them to. Our military operating on homeland ground? Definitely an unlawful request.
Yes Americans, I'm afraid big brother has a plan in mind for us non-compliant citizens that are not willing to succumb to becoming socialists. We are either with them or against them. There will be no neutral ground. The writing is on the wall. It is predicted in the Bible.
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