Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Second Amendment, What the government is afraid of

The Second Amendment What the government is afraid of


They were average American citizens. Butchers, Bakers, Storekeepers and Farmers.



Our freedom is in danger from within


Our forefathers knew that politicians sometime in the future would try to eliminate elections, individual rights, and consolidate their power. They knew that these arrogant individuals would not want to give up their power and prestige. They knew that if the people did not closely watch the elite in the political arena, America would lose its freedom. Therefore, Congress in it’s infinite wisdom added the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution to hopefully insure the freedom of the people in the future.

What they didn’t count on was that corruption in Washington, State and local government would become so severe that the Constitution itself would be in jeopardy of being abolished. The only thing that is slowing them down and keeping politicians in check is the 2nd Amendment right of the individual citizens to bear arms. No country and its people can be completely subjugated as long as they have the right to be armed against tyranny. Washington knows this too well. Local politicians know this too well. That is why there has been a grass roots effort to regulate and control firearms in this country since after the Constitution was ratified. Politicians have been slowly trying to eliminate firearms from our society from that day on.

Knowing they would never be able to get enough votes to override the 2nd amendment, they decided that they would try regulating ownership instead. So they started by gun control laws on the local level. First it was totally racist. After the Civil War they didn’t want the newly freed blacks to own weapons so they created gun control laws requiring persons to get permits to have guns. Well you know no blacks would ever be allowed to get a permit. Soon politicians in the state and local authority realized this was a great way to eliminate guns from all their citizens. This way they had complete control of their constituents. Needless to say, most citizens didn’t report or register their existing weapons so those laws were useless. This did not discourage them. They continued to get many laws passed throughout the country regulating firearms. However, America is an armed society. They couldn’t get total backing from their colleagues and other officials. So they never were able to totally ban firearms.

Americans should have never allowed any of this to happen. This right to bear arms is not a government negotiable right. It is not for the military and police alone. It is specific that all citizens of the country have the right to bear (carry) arms. No time limits. No location restrictions. No concealed or exposed rule. No state or local approvals necessary. This is a United States of America citizen’s right. “not to be infringed”. The arrogant elite doesn’t think the American people are competent or responsible enough to have a weapon. They think we should be totally dependent on them and the police to protect us. They don’t think you have the right to protect your family and home.

Our government is becoming dangerous with their determination to ban firearms. The United States Attorney General along with possibly the President has gone so far as to break the Federal firearms laws to get public sympathy toward more gun control. Recently they deliberately forced border gun stores to sell assault weapons to the Mexican drug cartels in the guise of “tracking them”. Their objective was to locate these guns in cartel hands and publicly make it known that they came from the US. Hoping to get the people outraged and primed to further gun bans. Unfortunately, they lost track of the guns. As a result hundreds of Mexican citizens were killed by these same weapons along with an American border agent. So they tried to blame the gun stores. However, some of their own agents blew the whistle on them and told the truth about what happened. Our State Department is in the process of negotiating with the United Nations to support an international ban on guns and ammunition. If ratified by the U.S. this will place the United States citizen’s right to bear arms under the control of the United Nations. This will be in violation of our sovereignty as well as our Constitution. There is nothing this administration won’t do, or how low they will stoop to forward their agenda.

The funny part of all this anti-gun rhetoric is that it is totally unfounded. Every city in the US that has strict gun control laws are known to have the worse records of crimes involving guns. Evidence shows that gun control doesn’t work. Instead the law- abiding citizen has been disarmed and the criminals are the ones with the guns. 2009 statistics for violent crime showed that states like New York and Illinois, with the toughest gun control laws have the higher violent crime rates then others with reasonable gun regulations. Ref; www.cityrating.com. Although this doesn’t specify the use of a gun vs hammer, I believe we can safely say most of the crime statistics were the result of a firearm and not a hammer. Not to mention, if the victim had a gun there may have not been a violent crime committed upon them.
In conclusion, if we continue to allow our present administration and politicians to erode our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, next will be the 1st Amendment and then the Constitution itself. We must fight to keep our freedom from tyranny. If we don’t rise up and voice our outrage with this government we risk all our freedoms. It is our responsibility to keep America free for the next generation.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Is the U.S. Government planning an all-out assault against the American Public?

     All indications point to the fact that the government is planning an assault on the citizens of this country to bring them into line with their political agenda. Since they cannot seem to get co-operation from the Congress and public to suspend our civil rights they are planning to take them by force if necessary. Various covert activities are being conducted to set the stage for a complete government take over of our country. These activities are so closely in line with the communist manifesto, that it only concludes that we have been taken control of by a Socialist, totalitarian President and elite group of Congresspersons with the same agenda. These are dangerous times and American citizens are in worse danger than we were during the two world wars. This is even a more dangerous time than the cold war with the U.S.S.R.
     One of the first attacks on the American public was the financial collapse of our economy. This was not accidental. This was not just the doings of a few greedy bankers. This was a deliberate act by our Federal Reserve, certain Senators and multi-national bankers to bring our economy down in order to bring about the election of these corrupt liberal Socialist elitists and plunge our country into chaos. By placing millions of citizens dependent on social services, they virtually enslaved them to have to continue to vote for them in order to keep their services and feed their families.
Next, was to take away our freedom to choose by forcing us into a healthcare system that will be government controlled and penalize anyone for not being enrolled in it. The Senate passed the bill without reading it because certain factions already knew what it was about and rammed it through legislation by intimidation, fraud and extortion. This was only the beginning of the plot.
      The next attack was against our First Amendment rights. First they took control of the mainstream media. How they convinced the company heads and journalists to fall in line has yet to be discovered. They did a good job though because nothing is on the news that speaks ill of the present administration, regardless of how blatantly horrendous things are. In fact, various news Anchors trip over themselves idolizing the President and his administration. To further stifle opposition, the government sent the IRS to put a stop to any opposition groups' tax status'. Then, using the "Patriot Act" they enlisted the NSA to begin listening to all conversations of citizens via all sources of media. Mostly concentrating on opposition group members and associates, investigative reporters and conservative politicians in the guise of listening for terrorist activity.

     The next attack came against our "Second Amendment" right to bear arms. First they try to distort it's meaning saying that "they are not trying to take away our right to hunt". This has absolutely nothing to do with the Second Amendment. (The Second Amendment was created by our forefathers to insure that no government would ever be able to take our freedom away like this present administration is trying to do.) But many misinformed citizens don't know any better and follow them.  Then they create outrage by exploiting every violent crime committed with a gun throughout the country by making it national news thereby pressuring states to toughen up gun control laws fully knowing that they will make no difference. Their agenda is to remove as many guns from private possession as possible by making it so difficult to own one that no one will want a firearm.

     To shore up their own security, they have placed the Homeland Security department in a position of supreme power not unlike the Gestapo of Nazi Germany. This organization has gone from an organization for civilian security and assistance to a paramilitary organization equal to our U.S. Military. They have been placed in charge of all intelligence services foreign and domestic. They have been stockpiling huge quantities of arms and ammunition. There are even reports that they have purchased over 250 thousand coffins. (Why would they possibly have need of these?) And last but by no means least are building huge concentration camps lined with razor wire in the mid-west.

     To further insure their success they have been tearing down the U.S. military establishment. Many military commanders loyal to the Constitution are being replaced by those many of us have no knowledge of who they are. It is further reported that various commanders have been asked if they would be willing to disarm American citizens if their Commander-in-Chief asked them to. Our military operating on homeland ground? Definitely an unlawful request.

     Yes Americans, I'm afraid big brother has a plan in mind for us non-compliant citizens that are not willing to succumb to becoming socialists. We are either with them or against them. There will be no neutral ground. The writing is on the wall. It is predicted in the Bible.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Immigration reform. Is it just another amnesty program?

     In one word, "YES". If the "Immigration reform bill" is not arresting illegals and deporting them, it's amnesty. If the "Immigration reform bill" isn't fining businesses for hiring them, it's amnesty. If the shyster politicians ( Gang of 8) continue to call it an "Immigration reform bill", it's amnesty. The word "Immigration" refers to the legal entry into a country. Not the felonious act of sneaking in. It doesn't matter whether we secure the borders, make them legitimate by a "path to citizenship", make them pay fines, or give them official IDs. It is still amnesty if they don't ship them back out of the country. This government and it's corrupt lawyers continually twist words and phrases to confuse and confound people into believing what they want you to believe. Our Supreme (Un)Court is following their example by ruling in favor of what is politically correct rather than what is Constitutional. The fact remains that they came here illegally and have started their new life in the U.S. as criminals in the first place. We have acknowledged that it's ok to trespass with impunity. It's ok to fraudulently use government services and false IDs. Now we want to pat them on the back and make them legal.
     This bill offers the illegals a "path to citizenship", (Amnesty). This bill does not discourage illegal entry into this country, (Amnesty). This bill will give 11 million illegals legal rights to tap our social services, bleed the states dry of welfare, low income housing, food stamps reaping the benefits of true legal citizens at the taxpayers' expense, (Amnesty). This bill will increase the unemployment for American citizens as it will open up the rest of the businesses to 11 million more potential low-paid employees. More lies from our politicians that "this will not effect the deficit". How do they figure that when their "increased staffing of the borders" will be a significant cost to the taxpayers. Where do they think that money comes from? Once again the liars are trying to dupe the American people that because of the neglect and incompetence of these very same politicians, we need to "fix" the system. They broke it but like usual they don't take responsibility for it.
     Last but by no means least. Where is the investigation, research or screening of these "immigrants"? Is what you see in this picture, what we really want to bring in this country? I hardly doubt it. How many criminals are in this country illegally? The truth remains to be seen whether they actually close the border. You can take this to the bank. After they get their 11 million new liberal voters the border closing will be nothing but a memory. This administration and liberal Senate are all for "Open borders".

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The true agenda of gun control

In the wake of the terrible massacre of school children in Connecticut, all the anti-gun advocates and lobbyists once again started an all out campaign to ban guns. And again they started their NRA smear campaign and spin their lies, deception and distorted facts. The Progressive Democrats in an effort to push their gun grabbing agenda are exploiting the sorrow of the victims' families to stir the public into supporting their plan. Within days President Barack Obama was calling for a “new conversation” about gun control using the murdered children as an excuse to push his gun grabbing policies. He isn’t looking for a “conversation”, his agenda is an all out ban of private gun ownership. The truth of the matter is that Mr. Obama is part of an elite group of influential people that believe the average citizen does not have the right to own weapons. They must be subjects to the government and the United Nations. Mr. Obama has expressed his distaste for the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment time and again.
Senator Diane Feinstien of California came out with a list of all types of semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns that should be banned. Many of which are standard rifles and handguns millions of Americans already own. To pass this bill would make millions of Americans immediate felons if they don’t turn these guns in. Step for step this “gun grab” happened in Russia after the Russian revolution when the Socialists took over. 20 million people paid for that lie. 

 The politicians with the help of the media are putting all forms of gun control legislation on a fast track to try to pass these bills while they have the emotions stirred in the people and before the actual facts are released by the police. The media covers up the facts that most gun violence is committed in cities and states that have the toughest gun laws which blatantly show that gun control doesn’t work. Instead it puts the “unarmed” citizens in danger instead. Connecticut is one of those strict gun law states, yet there are murders almost daily in their cities. Gangs roam the streets and prisons. The travesty of the situation is that the real problem is not being addressed while the gun grabbers are wasting resources, time and attention to push their personal agenda. 

The killings at Sandy Hook school, the theater in Colorado, New Mexico and the killings at Columbine high school were all done by deranged mentally insane individuals that gained access to firearms. In most cases the guns were stolen from a legal gun owner. These people were known by authorities and/or family and friends to be mentally deranged yet nothing was done about them. The medical profession failed to protect the public from them. The legal system has also failed to address the issue placing the public at continued risk. And family failed to keep firearms from their access. Add to this the felons that are released from prisons because of “overcrowding” or incompetent parole boards and you have a recipe for disaster.  

In Cheshire, CT two of these felons tortured and murdered a whole family leaving the father as the only survivor. They used gasoline to burn the mother and her two daughters alive. Upon conviction they get the death sentence but what does Connecticut do? They abolish the death penalty. These two beasts will leach off the taxpayers for years and years while the victims will never see justice.  

Our Justice system is broken. Our judges have become politically controlled and biased in their decisions. In many cases they have legislated from the bench. Our Supreme Court has decided that they know better than our founding fathers concerning the intent of the Constitution. The rulings on the 2nd Amendment are a good example of this. Nowhere in the 2nd Amendment does it say that government has any authority to regulate and control the firearms that private Americans can own, yet time and again states and the federal government have placed regulations and controls on private ownership that to this day goes unchallenged in the courts. The judges in the cases have ruled for gun control based on liberal bias and personal agenda rather than the intent of our founding fathers to create a free citizen that cannot be subjugated by the government. 

It is understandable that a private citizen should not be allowed the possession of military weapons of mass destruction, or heavy artillery such as tanks, missiles or cannons. But any personal protective firearm should be authorized without prejudice. Especially if you are up against criminals with high capacity semi-automatic or fully automatic weapons. Also, most home invasions are perpetrated by two or more invaders. Statistics and common sense has shown time and again that gun regulation or banning guns from private citizens does nothing to curb crime or minimize violence in society. All it manages to accomplish is to disarm the citizens and make them an easier target for criminals. Many states that have extensive gun control laws have been found to have the highest gun related crime statistics. Problem is the guns are in the hands of criminals rather than the law-abiding citizens. However, gun control advocates continue to spread false information and distort the statistics making the public think that if there were no guns than there would be no gun crimes.
Unfortunately the criminal doesn’t follow that rule. Also, if you look at where most gun violence and mass killings occur, you will find that most were committed in “gun safe” zones. Or in other words, areas where citizens cannot carry guns. I guess the criminals don’t follow that rule either. Or they intentionally target that area knowing full well they won’t be confronted by an armed citizen. 
The bottom line is gun control doesn’t work. Never has, never will. Criminals will find guns. Guns will be available on the black market or smuggled into the country. Criminals will get automatic weapons bigger and better than the police have. Citizens need to remain protected from these predators. Citizens should be allowed to arm themselves with the latest and best firearms made. That was the intent of our founding fathers. We were never intended to be made subjugated to a nanny state as Bloomberg, Obama, Holder or Malloy intend to keep us.