In one word, "YES". If the "Immigration reform bill" is not arresting illegals and deporting them, it's amnesty. If the "Immigration reform bill" isn't fining businesses for hiring them, it's amnesty. If the shyster politicians ( Gang of 8) continue to call it an "Immigration reform bill", it's amnesty. The word "Immigration" refers to the legal entry into a country. Not the felonious act of sneaking in. It doesn't matter whether we secure the borders, make them legitimate by a "path to citizenship", make them pay fines, or give them official IDs. It is still amnesty if they don't ship them back out of the country. This government and it's corrupt lawyers continually twist words and phrases to confuse and confound people into believing what they want you to believe. Our Supreme (Un)Court is following their example by ruling in favor of what is politically correct rather than what is Constitutional. The fact remains that they came here illegally and have started their new life in the U.S. as criminals in the first place. We have acknowledged that it's ok to trespass with impunity. It's ok to fraudulently use government services and false IDs. Now we want to pat them on the back and make them legal.
This bill offers the illegals a "path to citizenship", (Amnesty). This bill does not discourage illegal entry into this country, (Amnesty). This bill will give 11 million illegals legal rights to tap our social services, bleed the states dry of welfare, low income housing, food stamps reaping the benefits of true legal citizens at the taxpayers' expense, (Amnesty). This bill will increase the unemployment for American citizens as it will open up the rest of the businesses to 11 million more potential low-paid employees. More lies from our politicians that "this will not effect the deficit". How do they figure that when their "increased staffing of the borders" will be a significant cost to the taxpayers. Where do they think that money comes from? Once again the liars are trying to dupe the American people that because of the neglect and incompetence of these very same politicians, we need to "fix" the system. They broke it but like usual they don't take responsibility for it.
Last but by no means least. Where is the investigation, research or screening of these "immigrants"? Is what you see in this picture, what we really want to bring in this country? I hardly doubt it. How many criminals are in this country illegally? The truth remains to be seen whether they actually close the border. You can take this to the bank. After they get their 11 million new liberal voters the border closing will be nothing but a memory. This administration and liberal Senate are all for "Open borders".